Call of Duty: Vanguard will include Operators much like past COD titles, but with a new feature, ability to level up your Operators and earn new skins for them. There are a handful of different Operator skins to obtain at launch in Call of Duty: Vanguard.
On top of skins, players can unlock calling cards and other Operator-specific rewards. However, there is no doubt that the skins will be the most sought-after rewards, and they can be unlocked in Call of Duty: Vanguard by earning Operator XP.
Unlocking Operator Skins in Call of Duty: Vanguard

Like Weapon Camos, Call of Duty: Vanguard will provide unlockable mastery skins for its Operators. These will be the cream of the crop when it comes to Operator cosmetics. There are four classes of Operators — Barbarian, Hellhounds, Sentinel, and Shadow. Each class has several Operators that you need to unlock all of the camos for.

Complete these challenges to finalize the Operator and move onto the next one. After you’ve finished an entire class, you’ll receive a mastery skin. Another will be granted when all Operators have had all of their camos obtained.
How to earn Call of Duty: Vanguard Operator skins
As previously mentioned, there are challenges to complete and loads of XP to earn. Gaining XP will increase your Operator level which will help with unlocking the skins.Level 20 will give you a mastery skin for the Call of Duty: Vanguard Operator. Increase your XP gaining capabilities by looking at the Operator’s details and finding out what their favorite weapon is.
You will gain bonus XP if you are playing as that Operator and use their favorite weapon in multiplayer. This seems like one of the best ways to rapidly rank up the different Operators.Each Call of Duty: Vanguard Operator has up to six skins that can be unlocked.
They are all pretty standard skins that slightly differentiate from each other. The final two are the mastery skins, however, that you’ll surely be gunning for.