Zharvakko’s transformation spell in Dota 2 has generated significant controversy among players, notably in the Turbo mode community where gameplay is accelerated. A vocal subset of players has voiced dissatisfaction with its perceived overpowered nature, advocating for adjustments or removal to address disruptions to their gameplay experiences.
This sentiment has been echoed by others, underscoring the necessity for game balance adjustments.
Aghanim’s Shard in Dota 2 introduces the Voodoo Switcheroo ability to Witch Doctor. This skill enables him to assume the form of his ultimate, Death Ward, temporarily granting invisibility and damage immunity for a short duration, significantly impacting his effectiveness in combat.
The Dota 2 community is buzzing with ideas to tweak Voodoo Switcheroo and Death Ward. Some players want to switch the ward’s damage back to Physical. Despite Valve’s attempts to balance things, Witch Doctor is still a powerhouse in the game.
In Dota 2, Witch Doctor’s win rate this patch stands at 53.75%, as reported by Dotabuff. He’s the fourth-most picked hero, following Sniper, Lion, and Pudge.

With Witch Doctor’s dominance and popularity, a nerf might be coming soon. Players will watch Valve closely this week for any patch addressing his presence in the casual meta.