Shagufta Iqbal, also known as Xyaa, recently shared a new picture on her Instagram account in an Orange body hugging one piece of Xyaa stunned her followers and friends with her bold appearance. Dressed in a stunning, vibrant orange outfit, the Twitch & YouTube sensation looks beautiful. Xyaa shared pictures on her official Instagram account. Pictures below
Today, Xyaa made a striking appearance on her Instagram impressing and shocking everyone, especially us OK- Xyaa in the bold and vibrant orange dress added a touch of boldness to her appearance, perfectly complementing her glowing personality. Xyaa’s Orange Dress attire with simplicity, allowing her natural beauty to take center stage. Xyaa keeps her followers updated by regularly posting pictures on her social media accounts.
Xyaa in Orange Dress: Pictures
More Pictures of Shagufta Iqbal in an Orange Mini Dress:
She opted for an orange dress, completing the look with high heels. The Top Female Streamer in India further elevated her appearance, creating a well-balanced outfit for the Instagram post. As expected, the comment section exploded with excitement & good comments too. Fans adored seeing their favourite streamer in a different style, and Xyaa’s pictures quickly gained interest from people on various social media platforms, including Instagram & Reddit. Everyone fell in love with Xyaa’s attire.
Xyaa Bali Vlog YouTube videos:
Unsurprisingly, this isn’t the first time the streamer has gone viral for her fashion choices. Whether it’s her recent trip to Baali or at the Streamers Awards, the Indian female streamer Xyaa, always manages to turn heads with her fashion sense. Within just an hour of sharing the pictures, Shagufta’s Instagram went insanely flooded, gaining thousands of likes and hundreds of comments on her Instagram alone.
Shagufta Iqbal aka Xyaa in Beautiful Orange Dress: Pictures Inside
byu/Tryhardsports intryhardsports
A person should check Reddit too, to know how much people love Xyaa and her looks on that platform.
As one can already imagine, the comment section is nothing short of wild. Xyaa’s followers loved their favorite streamer in a different avatar.
Xyaa-real name Shagufta Iqbal is one of the most popular creators in the game streaming platforms, boasting over 300K Youtbe and 129K followers on Instagram. Besides streaming, Xyaa also uploads her daily life vlogs like her recent trip to Bali with friends and husband on YouTube. Check out her videos below.
Xyaa’s YouTube Gaming Videos
Shagufta Iqbal’s Instagram post
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