CDL 2021 Stage III, Week 3 schedule, CDL Points standings

CDL 2021 Dallas Empire Home Series Stage 3, Week3 is about to start tonight at 3 pm ET. But teams keep playing with their rosters to give themself a fresh and strong start at the start of League Week 3.

A quick run-through of the CDL 2021 Roster moves happened before Stage 3 week 3, throughout the league. Rosters change took some heat when Toronto Ultra changed their rosters in between the Major 1 & won the Major 2 finals by defeating one of the strongest teams in the league, Atlanta Faze. It will be bringing in more time manageability and constant enthusiasm, to the team also fans cheering from their homes. Recently Dallas Empire’s Huke has joined LAThieves and will replace TJHaLy in the roster.

  • BREAKING: Huke has joined LAThieves and will replace TJHaLy on the roster.

It no new news that there have always been differences between the overachieving teams and the underperformers who started the league with the best of their abilities. The teams constantly playing at their peaks such as Dallas Empire, Atlanta Faze & Toronto Ultra are maintaining their top spots, while teams such as Seattle Surge and Los Angeles Guerrillas are undergoing radical workings to hop on the top positions. 

  • Recently we had seen how LA Thieves bounced back on the losers bracket after changing their rosters, Temp, and Slasher with Venom & Drazah.
  • Toronto Ultra’s Major 2 final win has also happened after they added Insight as their new roster.
  • Toronto Ultra’s Big jump on the CDL Point table happened after they changed their roaster in the middle of Major 2 and won the final against the top team of CDL 2021, Atlanta Faze.

The changes undergone are the total number of teams which is 4v4 rather than 5v5 after which the not-so-good beginning at Call of Duty League 2021 has made the low-key performers fasten their capabilities to perform well and grow up.

The Rostermania with which you can be in the loop of the schedule of the games and be tied with are available below with slight changes.

CDL Points Standings


The minute variations at the beginning of Stage 2 chop down the Roster of the team as follows:

Dallas EmpireCrimsixShotzzyiLLeYFeLoRambo
Atlanta FaZeSimpaBeZyCelliumArcitysSibilantsCrowder, RJ, Easy Mac
OpTic ChicagoScumpFormaLEnvoyDashyGeneralSender
Florida MutineersSkyzNeptuneOwakeningHavok, SlackedAtura
New York SublinersMackClaysterAsimDiamondHyDraRevan
London Royal RavensSeanyZedDylanPaulEhxAlexx, Afro, Zer0ShAnE
Toronto UltraBanceInsightCammyCleanXMethodzMarkyB
Minnesota RØKKRPriestahhAttachAccuracyStandyMajorManiakSaintt
Los Angeles ThievesDrazahKennyHukeVenomSlasherRJKap
Paris LegionSkrapzClassicAquaTempTheory
Seattle SurgeOctaneGunlessLoonyPrestinniNubzy
Los Angeles GuerrillasVividAssaultSiLLYApathyMentaL, ChinoBevils, Ricky, Doug Liebe
Table Credits: DEXERTO.COM
After the end game of Call of Duty League 2020 season finale the players showed up with their fresh status via free agents. Its been hardly 48 hours after the final episode and the official roster is out too. 

In season CDL roster changes

May 5

  • Huke: Dallas Empire→LA Thieves

May 3

  • Decemate: Seattle Surge

April 13

  • Temp: LA Thieves → Paris Legion
  • Fire: Paris Legion → F/A

April 11

  • Slacked: Florida Mutineers → Florida Mutineers (bench)

April 5

  • SlasheR: LA Thieves → LA Thieves (bench)
  • Drazah: LA Thieves (bench) → LA Thieves

March 22

  • Temp: LA Thieves → LA Thieves (bench)
  • Venom: WestR → LA Thieves
  • MajorManiak: Minnesota RØKKR → Minnesota RØKKR (sub)
  • Standy: F/A → Minnesota RØKKR

March 19

  • Insight: Toronto Ultra (sub) → Toronto Ultra

March 16

  • PaulEhx: F/A → London Royal Ravens

March 15

  • Parasite: London Royal Ravens → F/A

March 10

  • Methodz: Toronto Ultra → Toronto Ultra (substitute)

March 3

  • Zed: F/A → London Royal Ravens (Temporary substitute)
  • Alexx: London Royal Ravens → London Royal Ravens (substitute)

Fetch your comfortable seatings. It’s time to Fight for the Call.

Call Of Duty Stage 3, week 3 Dallas Empire Home Series, about to start tonight.

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